West Midlands Police admit that they wasted money on deployment of counter terror officers where they were not needed.


A few days ago I chided West Midlands Police and its Islamopandering Chief Constable Dave Thompson for deploying counter terror officers to deal with some incidents of minor criminal damage to various mosques in Birmingham. I questioned the wisdom and the sanity of using these highly trained and specialist officers for work that really should fall within the purview of ordinary warranted police officers, or maybe even something that could be dealt with by unwarranted Police Community Support Officers. After all if you or I, being non-Muslims had had our windows broken, a perfunctory visit from a low level police officer or a PCSO is about all the attention we would likely to get for being victims of such a crime. The use of counter terror officers in this instance looked very much to me as if CC Thompson was pandering to Birmingham’s Muslims.

It has now been proven, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the deployment of counter terror officers and treating these acts of criminal damage as if they were part of some ‘vast far right conspiracy’, was the wrong thing to do. The culprit as revealed in an earlier piece on here, has turned out to be a lone nutter who has been held under the Mental Health Act and has now, according to Sky News, been released without any charge at the moment.

Sky News said:

The Birmingham mosque attacks are not being treated as acts of far-right extremism or terror, police have said.

Five mosques had their windows smashed with a hammer across the city in the early hours of Thursday 21 March.

Sky added:

A 34-year-old man from Perry Barr, Birmingham, handed himself into police on Friday and has been detained under the Mental Health Act.

West Midlands Police said it is not seeking anyone else in relation to attacks, and was satisfied they were not motivated by right-wing extremism.

It added that the attacks are not being treated as terror-related.

A 38-year-old man who was arrested on suspicion of racially-aggravated criminal damage on Friday afternoon has been released without charge.

What an absolute appalling waste of specialist counter terror resources from West Midlands Police. I wonder how many real criminals or worse, real terrorists, of the sort who shout out ‘allah hu akbar’ when murdering people, may have slipped through the net whilst specialist officers were pandering to Birmingham’s Muslims? Abdul the potentially exploding bearded savage must have thought his lottery numbers had come up with the diversion of such highly trained specialist officers onto a case that was little more than common or garden criminal damage.