From Elsewhere: I’m sick of thuggish ‘fifth columns’ like this. Are you?

I’ve met the Met and I found that they were a bunch of corrupt useless liars.

Kicked and battered, his only crime, being non-Muslim in East London.

“Francesco Hounye, 22, had been in the capital just three days when he was surrounded by a gang and targeted because he was “obviously not local”.
The five Asian (for that read Muslim – Editor F211)  men smashed a bottle in his face and then chased him, knocking him to the ground and repeatedly kicking and punching him.”

Read the rest at:

The streets of our cities and more importantly our Capital city, should not belong to Muslim thugs like this.  If anything starkly illustrated the craven, pandering and downright useless behaviour of the Metropolitan Police then this case should surely be it.

These streets don’t belong to thuggish Muslim scum, they are OUR f**king streets.  This sort of thing is extremely worrying because if the police won’t clear the spectre of Islamic violence from our cities, who will?  Police sluggishness and inaction over incidents like this is storing up problems for the futue.

9 Comments on "From Elsewhere: I’m sick of thuggish ‘fifth columns’ like this. Are you?"

  1. Furor Teutonicus | October 24, 2013 at 12:12 pm |

    Now HERE is a man that knew how to deal with Ghetto shite;

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 24, 2013 at 1:17 pm |

      Except that the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto were only attempting to preserve their lives, the Tower Hamlets Islamoscum are trying to wipe out any expression of humanity that isn’t Islam and trying to impose their views and ideology on others.

      • Furor Teutonicus | October 24, 2013 at 1:26 pm |

        The reason for them bieng there is not in question. The way to deal with them IS.

        And, as far as dealing with a ghetto goes, it was BRILLIANT.

        In fact ANY “small town” trouble spots.

        • Fahrenheit211 | October 24, 2013 at 8:34 pm |

          Furor, although I’m enough of a realist to know that eventually there will regretably be the need to take some sort of State physical action against the Islamoscum, I also tend to take the view that if an action or policy or course of action is the same or very similar to that done by that abberation of German history,the Nazis, then it would probably not be a good idea to take such a path. Basically, ask ‘what would Adolf do?’ and then do the complete opposite, it’s the best way of not being judged harshly by history. There may well come the time that Britain does need to place restrictions on the movement and actions of Muslims or remove large numbers of them from the country, but I would prefer that they leave this country with their lives, their bodies and their property intact.

          You are entitled to your opinion but I would like to say to avoid any doubt, and for the record, that it is an opinion that I do not share.

  2. We need the equivalent of David Ortiz, player with the Boston Red Sox, who, in the aftermath of the bombing, in a live televised speech declared ‘This is our fucking city’. Complaints about bad language barely got a look in, because this totemic sporting figure said out loud what everyone wanted to say and be heard. And if you do a web search for him, you’ll see why his saying it gives the Progressive Left nightmares.

    • Furor Teutonicus | October 24, 2013 at 2:46 pm |

      XX who, in the aftermath of the bombing, in a live televised speech declared ‘This is our fucking city’. Complaints about bad language barely got a look in,XX

      I make, and will NEVER make excuses regarding the use of my second “Mother tongue.”

      It is my RIGHT to use (one of) my native tongues.

      The same as they keep telling us, it is their right to use theirs.

      Which, if you have seen me around the bloggs is rather apparent. 🙂

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 24, 2013 at 8:36 pm |

      PTB you are right we do need to reclaim our streets from those who wish to oppress,maim and kill us.

  3. Paris Claims | October 24, 2013 at 8:54 pm |

    Apparently this incident happened a while ago and the CCTV images aren’t bad. Why no arrests?

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 25, 2013 at 8:26 am |

      Paris, it is highly likely that the Met Police sat on this case for ‘community cohesion’ reasons or to put in more plain language, the police didn’t want to upset the Bearded Savages. A similar reason could probably be found for the lack of arrests as well. However, the police are quicker than a formula 1 car round the track when someone puts bacon or ham outside a mosque terrorist and paedophile advocacy centre, or someone publicly tells the ugly truth about the very ugly ideology of Islam.

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