The Scottish schoolboy trans-cult refusenik


There is a video that is doing the rounds on the web and which has also been picked up by elements in the mainstream media that both sent shivers down my spine and horrified me. It’s a short video showing a Scottish teacher bawling out a teenage boy because the boy challenged during a class discussion the idea promulgated by the teacher that there were more than two genders. It chilled me to see how the teacher (who unsurprisingly is being defended by left wing teaching unions) put the ideology of ‘inclusiveness’ and the trans-cult’s assertion that there are more than two genders before any other consideration. This teacher even put this ideology ahead of the scientific truth that there really are only two genders and sexes.

For those who haven’t yet seen the video my advice is to watch it and get angry at what is going on in many, too many British schools. You can find it on various MSM outlets such as the Daily Mail and is also being carried, with an excellent commentary on the story from the I,Hypocrite YouTuber. The original video can be found via this link.

To give those unfamiliar with this story some background, what appears to have happened in a Scottish High School is this: There was a discussion in a lesson which included examining the design and layout of a website. The teacher pointed out that a sign-in page only included boxes for two genders, male and female. At some point the young pupil, named on the video as ‘Murray’, challenged the teacher’s assertion that the lack of ‘other’ in the gender category was not right by stating that there were only two genders. Because of this challenge by Murray he was removed by the teacher into another room and lectured aggressively by the teacher about ‘inclusiveness’.

One of the things that chilled me to the bone about this video is the section that I,Hypocrite described quite rightly as Orwellian. At one point in the video the teacher told Murray that although Murray was entitled to his opinion he must keep his opinion that there are only two genders at home. The teacher followed this comment up with the statement that there are socially and school approved opinions that he hold instead. In other words the teacher was telling this young man to believe the lie that there are dozens of different genders rather than the provable scientific truth that there exist only two genders of human being.

Watching this teacher spout the ideology was like watching some form of educational Lysenkoist in action was horrifying to me. This is not just because I believe that teachers should be teaching truth not dodgy ideology, but also as a parent with a child starting school in September. We studied hard the policies of the different schools in our area of England (detailed in the articles Primary Education Quest 1, 2 and 3 )and rejected outright the first school where the head was a politically correct nutcase. Unfortunately this case from Scotland shows that governments that are in thrall to the trans-cult can impose this ideology from above and stamp of the rights of parents who question the validity and science behind the currently fashionable trans-cult. It worries me that the school that we chose in part because the Headteacher specifically told my wife and myself that they would not have child abusing, pro-paediatric gender transition groups like Mermaids on the premises, could have this ideology forced on them by the Secretary of State for Education.

Although this case comes from Scotland where the socialist Scottish National Party government has gone hell for leather to impose various politically correct edicts on the Scottish people and Scottish institutions, those of us in other parts of the United Kingdom should not think that our children are immune to the problem that Murray had. We should not rest on our laurels and think that this is only a Scottish problem. This promotion of the trans-cult in schools is a problem for all of us. This is because the activists from the trans-cult are in a position of influence in parts of our current Conservative Government which seems unwilling or unable to say ‘no’ to the trans-cult’s demands or challenge their viewpoint. Unless the Tories get a leader who will stand up to the cultists, the promotion of the trans-cult in schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will continue or even step up a gear.

This worrying story has been a welcome and informative window on what is going on in some British schools and what it shows should be a matter of concern for every parent who cares about their children’s future. It is shocking to me to see just how far a teacher and a school will go to promote an ideology over the truth. We send our children to school in order that they learn the knowledge and skills that will hopefully make their future lives happy and successful, not for them to be told outright lies such as ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ and ‘there are 34 different genders’.

I would like to end this piece by highly commending Murray for making this video and distributing it as it is yet more evidence that all is not right with British schools and that in some of them ideology trumps truth when the chips are down. I’d also like to commend Murray for his bravery in challenging the ideology that the teacher was pushing and for sticking to his guns in what seemed to me to be a polite, mature and reasonable manner. I think that we should have more exposes like this as they show the entire nation just what is going on in our schools and how much ideology is being privileged over the truth. Murray is one of those school pupils who have decided that they will not be, in the words of the old song, just ‘another brick in the wall’.

4 Comments on "The Scottish schoolboy trans-cult refusenik"

  1. I’m changing my sign up boxes to say Does your DNA have an X Chromosome or a Y Chromosome (or whatever) then that can sort that out.

    Total disgrace what is going on at school and nowadays if they leave school being able to add up is a bonus.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 20, 2019 at 9:33 am |

      The presence of dodgy groups like Mermaids and a government who seems to believe that the delusions of those who say there are 31 or more genders should be promoted in our schools, made my wife and I very nervous when it came to choosing a school. Unfortunately there are many who assume that things are not as bad as we say they are and that the policies in place in these schools are merely to protect the rights of those kids who claim their ‘trans’. Those who think like this fail to comprehend just how bad the problem of pro-trans propaganda has become in our schools. My worry is that nearly all kids have fantasy lives where they try out stuff and may on occasion dress inappropriately gender-wise when role playing. It is these children who are in the most danger from these trans ideologues as they are taking kids with perfectly normal gender non conforming behaviour and pushing the poor children down a medicalised route to gender ‘change’ that is likely to end in tragedy for many of the children targeted by these trans activists.

      I completely agree with you that this incident is a total disgrace but there may be many more of these instances where kids are told ‘shut up and follow orders/ideology’ than are made public?

  2. So where belongs the leader? This is obviously cult behaviour with severe brainwashing going on. If you spout what the master tells you, because you are scared of being sacked, you are in the wrong job. Folk should go back to common sense values and speak up for themselves. Believe me, it’s happened to me. It’s the right thing to do.

  3. You can be sure this madness is not limited to the North:
    Four-year-olds asked to “choose gender” on primary school application form.’ Independent, 20 Apr 2016.
    Mum says primary schools shouldn’t give LGBT lessons without parents consent.’ Metro, 23 Jun 2018.
    Boys can have periods too, children to be taught in latest victory for transgender campaigners.’ Daily Telegraph, 16 Dec 2018.
    Primary school children “are to be taught about gay and transgender relationships from the age of five under new curriculum”.’ Daily Mail, 24 Feb 2019.
    Trans and gay lessons for primary school children.’ The Christian Institute, 26 Feb 2019.

    You might be familiar with the theory that ‘lead poisoning contributed to the decline of the Roman empire’, the lead making them mad. I wonder, should another civilisation arise out of the ashes of Western, what theories they will conjure to explain our madness. (Oestrogen in our water supply maybe?)
    Interestingly, some of the commonly cited examples of Roman lunacy might have rational explanations: e.g. Caligula notoriously intended appointing his favourite horse as consul (not that we’ve cause to feel superior here, as we regularly elect 650 horse’s ar*es); but it has been credibly argued that he was simply insulting the Roman Senate. And Caligula’s cancelling an invasion of Britain and instead ordering his legions to pick up seashells has been plausibly rationalised as him reasserting his authority over mutinous troops (it might also be that the order was to gather up their accommodation, musculi’ (seashells) being also slang for ‘huts’).
    What possible rationale will someone find to explain Western governments’ various lunacies?

    We need to seriously reconsider the Whig principles underpinning Western society. Highly recommended reading is Patrick J. Deneen’s recent Why Liberalism Failed, a critique of both modern (l/w) liberalism and of ‘classical’ (r/w) liberalism and thus drawing qualified praise from both Left and Right, l/w reviewers relishing his criticisms of ‘classical’ liberalism but taking issue with his criticisms of modern liberalism, and r/w reviewers vice-versa. (Btw, Deneen is a whitebread conservative, not a Reactionary, which makes his conclusions all the more remarkable.)

    Liberalism has failed—not because it fell short, but because it was true to itself. It has failed because it has succeeded. As liberalism has “become more fully itself,” as its inner logic has become more evident and its self-contradictions manifest, it has generated pathologies that are at once deformations of its claims yet realizations of liberal ideology. A political philosophy that was launched to foster greater equity, defend a pluralist tapestry of different cultures and beliefs, protect human dignity, and, of course, expand liberty, in practice generates titanic inequality, enforces uniformity and homogeneity, fosters material and spiritual degradation, and undermines freedom. Its success can be measured by its achievement of the opposite of what we have believed it would achieve. Rather than seeing the accumulating catastrophe as evidence of our failure to live up to liberalism’s ideals, we need rather to see clearly that the ruins it has produced are the signs of its very success.

    (Why Liberalism Failed. Yale University Press, 2018. 3–4. [Links added])

    And has it not failed? Liberalism (the mass liberal democracy we have evolved), delivers not small government but large and ever-expanding government; it has delivered burgeoning crime, while disarming us in the face of those criminal threats; it has delivered not freedom but increasing tyranny—indeed Nineteen Eighty-Four itself. It has even failed in freeing us from an inherited political class born into privilege, as it creates an inherited liberal class of its own—seen in such examples as America’s quasi-royal families like the Kennedys (one POTUS and a plethora of political offices since the first, P.J., made Congress in 1884), Bushes (two POTUSes and nearly a third, and assorted other political offices), and Bill Clinton (42) succeeded by his wife Hillary as Democratic POTUS candidate; while in Britain there are currently 49 MPs with current or past family connections—which only reveals a glimpse of the true picture, as one should consider how many MPs are getting their relatives into council seats, quango positions or hired as other MPs’ staffers (e.g. Sturgeon(*) has tried to shoehorn her father twice so far into a council seat).
    (* Btw, did you know that one of Sturgeon’s nicknames is ‘Elsie’? Because Evry’hings aw-whys someday elsie’s fault—helps if you read the latter in a Scotch accent.)

    I’ve written here before how we ticked along quite nicely for 653 years—even was ‘top of the world, ma’ for a while; but ‘mass democracy destroyed us within a century.’ And things are not just failing in Britain but right across the West (née Christendom). So, if every country—Every. Single. Country—that has implemented liberal democracy fails, and becomes a self-destructive crime-ridden tyranny (and, given that we are facing the prospect of the end of European civilisation, liberal democracy is failing worse than communism ever did—not even Stalin implemented ethnic and cultural obliteration of his own people), then one has to seriously consider the possibility that maybe the theory is wrong: like communism, nice theory—wrong species.

    And again as I’ve written here before, democracy’s ills will not be remedied by implementing more communism democracy or electing better communists democrats. As Patrick Deneen continues:

    To call for the cures of liberalism’s ills by applying more liberal measures is tantamount to throwing gas on a raging fire.
    This may be a moment for more than mere institutional tinkering. If indeed something more fundamental and transformative than “normal politics” is happening, then we are in the midst not just of a political realignment, characterized by the dying gasp of an old white working class and the lashing out of debt-burdened youth. We may rather be witnessing an increasingly systemic failure, due to the bankruptcy of its underlying political philosophy, of the political system we have largely taken for granted.

    (Ibid., 4)

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