How can a civilised society integrate with closet, and not so closet, murderers?

Muslims burning a Danish flag.

The answer to that question is you can’t, and you should not. A society should most certainly not bend the knee or facilitate or accommodate a culture that contains a worrying number of closet and not so closet murderers.

A report from Denmark, as relayed by the Brietbart website, has found that Muslims in that country are less likely to integrate with Danish society then either other groups, such as non-Orthodox Jews, or previous communities of Muslims. It seems that the Muslims of Denmark are becoming more and more extreme in their views, and that extremism is manifesting itself in support for violent Jihadi causes. Without a doubt, Danish Muslims have become that nation’s set of closet and not so closet murderers. Denmark’s Muslims appear to be becoming a ticking time-bomb of violent thuggery and terrorism.

One of the most astonishing figures from the Brietbart report was this paragraph:

In a series of polls released by the paper (Jyllands-Posten  ) over the course of this week, it has been revealed that Muslims are now more likely to take the word of the Quran literally, and that the teaching of the Islamic holy book should be implemented directly. In 2006 the number of people who agreed with the statement “the Quran’s instructions should be followed completely” was 62 per cent – today it has grown to 77 per cent; a strong majority.

In all religions there are extremists and those who believe in no compromise with the outside world, but we are not dealing with peaceful Amish here, this is Islam, a religion of violence. We should all be damn well concerned that 77% of Muslims in one European nation, believe that ALL the Koran should be followed and I think we can infer they mean all the violent bits, the misogynistic bits, the lying to non-Muslim bits and the Jew-hating bits. Having observed the behaviour of Muslims in Britain for some time now, I have little doubt that such high levels of extremism are present in Britain’s own Islamic ‘guests’. This is a survey that should not only be a concern for the people of Denmark, it should be a matter of concern for all of us.

The way that the Muslims of Denmark, and by extrapolation, the Muslims of the UK, France, Germany, Sweden and other places with a major Islam infestation, seem to be gravitating towards the core hatred of the Koran is strikingly different to how other immigrant and minority groups have behaved. When you look for example at past immigrants to Britain, we see some communities of immigrants who have completely disappeared into the general mass of the population, such as the Germans, we’ve seen other groups, such as the Jews, who’ve kept their religious beliefs and community but have assimilated and taken part in and contributed greatly to the life of the UK. Britain’s Hindu and Sikh immigrants are, being more recent immigrants, not quite as far down the road with assimilation as Britain’s Jews are, but nonetheless are getting there and will probably occupy in the UK a similar position as Britain’s Jews, as a people whose history Britain is entwined with, and who are integrated into general British life, whilst still keeping their religions. Hindus and Sikhs are also well known for their culture of hard work and respect for education and this is why they have generally done so well in a socio-economic way in the UK.

As I said earlier all religions and cultures have the capacity to produce extremists. There were German political extremists, and a small coteries of Jewish anarchists running round in the UK in the 19th century and the 20th century has seen a comparatively small amount of terror and extremism from Sikhs, and I don’t think I’ve heard of any extremist, as in politically and religiously violent extemism from UK Hindus in Britain for years. Yes, I know I’ve missed out a religion or three, but let’s face it, is anyone out there worried about coming across an extremist Jain? No, I thought not.

Because of a previous history of being trading nations, the UK and Denmark have had immigration and these immigrants have been seen to be eventually assimilating and becoming just ordinary Danes or Britons or whatever. Unfortunately there was a mistaken assumption that the followers of Islam would behave the same way. As time has gone by, contrary to the naïve expectations of far too many politicians and social scientists and others, Islam has become more aggressive, more extreme and noticeably much more violent. This is what makes Islam different. It is an ideology incapable of giving respect to other beliefs or believers and is getting considerably more extreme.

Islam doesn’t make people more charitable or tolerant or kind. It doesn’t appear to encourage a direct relationship with the Divine in order explain why mankind is here, or as an expression of awe in the majesty of that Divine or to give some other meaning or rules to a person’s life, as many other religions, including Judaism and Christianity do. Islam seems to me to be a belief system solely based on the idea of ‘following orders’. Islam where people often are slavishly following orders given by a long dead warlord of questionable morality called Mohammed, makes not for an improving religion, but a destroying one.

Adherence to the precepts of Islam and the incorporation of Shariah in a persons life, doesn’t just make them strange, pious but ultimately un-threatening, as some may regard the strict adherents of other beliefs, but instead makes so many Muslims agents of violence, waiting only for the right trigger. Islam is violent in ways that many people don’t imagine can exist.

Islam is different because it is inherently violent and inherently destructive of both the individual and any society that it has influence on. It is this absolute and provable difference between Islam and other religions, that brings me to the conclusion that Islam cannot be assimilated. It cannot act as other more successful minority religions have done, and respect the host peoples. Despite the best intentions of the small number of Islamic reformers to present or create a type of Islam that is acceptable to civilised societies, there can be little doubt that these reformers are pissing in the wind when it comes to reform of Islam. Islam truly is the Sows Ear that it is impossible to create a silk purse from.

Islam doesn’t make people better individuals, it is an ideology, that by the content of its theology and by its internal culture, creates or nurtures psychopaths or psychopathic behaviour. There is no plainer way of putting it than that. After all, how else would you describe the depressingly familiar scenario of ordinary born Muslim, or convert to Islam, becoming more theologically aware of what Islam is at heart, and then suffering from ‘sudden Jihad syndrome’?

77% is an extraordinarily high figure for extremism, in any religion or even any political ideology. I doubt whether a similar survey of those of other beliefs will provide anything like this massive number of potential murderers. To return to Denmark, it now cannot be denied that this nation has a serious Islam problem. Let’s put it like this: There approximately 250,000 Muslims in Denmark. If the survey figure is accurate, then 77% of 250k is 192,500 Muslims who could be considered as either following or approving of an extreme (or rather truthful) interpretation of Islam. If we are generous and say that only 5% of these already extreme Muslims are violent or support or facilitate violence, then we have the worryingly large figure of 9625 trigger, knife or bomb happy Muslims who would ‘Go Jihad’ at any time. This is something that no civilised nation should tolerate.

Because of outstandingly stupid political decisions by the leaders of many nations, and the naivety of many more, the civilised world has found itself hosting a large number of Muslims who hate us, hate our nations, hate our religions, hate our history, hate our freedoms. We have allowed a community of closet and not so closet murderers to flourish virtually unchecked, and it is long past time that this situation was reversed.


Main source of this story from Brietbart

2 Comments on "How can a civilised society integrate with closet, and not so closet, murderers?"

  1. English, still here... just. | October 16, 2015 at 2:30 pm |

    How many times does this have to be repeated?

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